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Alicia Ceylan


\What does this bring up for you?


EVERYONE, I repeat EVERYONE struggles through some kind of anxiety. You are not alone! The trouble is recognizing your anxiety, reeling it in, and managing coping skills to calm your anxiety. How?! Well, this all depends on you and the anxiety that is weighing on you.

If you are anything like me, reading this is giving you anxiety. The pure fact that I keep saying the word is driving me to sweat. But you have to pause and ask yourself… WHY? Why does the word alone trigger me? What have I experienced that is causing this “impending doom?” Right after college, I became a teacher of first and then, later, second graders. I noticed that these young children started to experience varying levels of anxiety. I did not want my classroom climate to have such a weighing experience. I worked closely with the school social worker and psychologist to come up with tools for the students to manage their anxieties. It was then where I realized I did not take the time to heal my anxieties. I joined my class in their quest to manage what we call triggers of anxiety.

Join me as I share this unique experience with you. Not only will you have tools that adhere to you specifically, but you will become more self aware. Let us shed this burden we so often carry alone. As a community, we will share, loosen these burdens, and finally manage our day to day anxiety.

What is ANXIETY?


  1. apprehensive uneasiness or nervousness usually over an impending or anticipated ill : a state of being anxious

    1. medical : an abnormal and overwhelming sense of apprehension and fear often marked by physical signs (such as tension, sweating, and increased pulse rate), by doubt concerning the reality and nature of the threat, and by self-doubt about one's capacity to cope with it

  2. mentally distressing concern or interest

  3. a strong desire sometimes mixed with doubt, fear, or uneasiness

What stands out to me the most in the definition of anxiety is FEAR. Fear can cause a lack of concentration, difficulty controlling your emotions, or even leaving you in a constant state of worry. EVERYONE has experienced anxiety to some degree. We ALL go through this. Usually during a stressful situation, like a test, deadline, life threatening situation, and the list goes on.

Some hold on to this anxiety, or fear more than others. Whether we feel this more due to social media, family influence, friends, and even yourself. It is important to know that there are resources and tools to help you along. You can always reach out to a friend, family member, professional, and help hotline. There are a lot of resources out there, but sometimes the trouble is admitting you need to take advantage of these resources. If you are like me, you get so used to being wrapped up in an anxiety bubble that you forget what it feels like to not feel this specific way anymore. It does not have to be this way though. First acknowledge that you have these anxieties, find out what triggers them and why, and then let them go. There are coping mechanisms that will help you through this bump in the road.

Controlling your triggers

When presented with a stressful situation, there are two common responses: REACTION and SILENCE. Be aware of your reaction. Do you react verbally right away without thinking? Do you react by storming off? Do you silence yourself because you are facing fear? Do you yell? Sweat? Freak out? IF SO, you’re not alone.

The first thing I use to do, and honestly still even catch myself doing is REACTING negatively. If I found myself in a situation that made me feel anxiety, I would yell the very first thing that came to mind without thinking of any consequence. I realize now that I wanted these

Instead hang on to a coping mechanism. Try not to react right away. Take a step back, take a few calming deep breaths, and reflect for a second. Most of the time when we just react, we say things that we don’t necessarily mean and they can cause others around us to feel poorly. Keep in mind that emotions are contagious. People feed off what others around them are feeling. Let us keep trying to make this a positive imprint.


Remember that anxiety is usually based off FEAR. Fear is based in the future and the reason I say this is because what we are fearing has not happened yet. We are basing the future off of our past. What good does that do us? Honestly, think about that for a moment. This is doing nothing for us. If we are looking for this specific outcome we will manifest this to pass as factual. STAY PRESENT. Each experience is unique and FEAR is getting in the way of enjoying these new experiences.

Take charge of your anxiety!

1. TAKING CONTROL: First, understanding that doing something is better than nothing. Engage in experiences that you are in control of. TAKE ACTION no matter the outcome. Do it badly SO WHAT. You DID it

2. FORGIVENESS: Usually those with anxiety hold on to the worries and the criticism of their subconscious. Let it go and forgive yourself.

3. FINDING MEANING: Reframe your anxiety. Your mind needs to understand your panic in order to calm down. Why is this particular moment causing me anxiety? Keep in mind that the psyche is trying to protect itself. Acknowledge this and LET IT GO. You can even redirect this feeling as excitement because the body’s reaction to fear and excitement are very similar. This will take a lot of practice.

4. MANTRA: Have a mantra for yourself when you are overwhelmed. For example, “I am safe” “ I am present.” This can also help redirect your minds attention to a more positive space.


“5 Second Rule” - Mel Robins

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

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