Hello Tribe!
Today I am reflecting on my fear. My fear to launch this "baby" I call Zeya Yoga. I have been thinking, building, scrapping, remaking, overthinking... OH GOSH I can go on. I did not realize that I had this fear until I started thinking to myself "why haven't I published this site yet?" I guess it is because I fear that I will f*ck up. Fear that I won't be successful.
HOWEVER, I also realized that if I don't take any action at all the "what if's" will flood my mind. I don't want to take away this experience because I was afraid. I would rather try hard, put 200% into this, and see where it goes. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna (God) talks to Arjuna (the Self) that taking action is above inaction. Moreover, it is better to take action than to do nothing at all.

Yama Reflection
In yoga philosophy there is a Yama, or restraint called "Satya." Satya is the second Yama in yoga philosophy. It means truth. I want to be honest with you and myself. Looking at this Yama, I know that I need to hold this space for not only myself, but for you as well. Feel free to let it all go here. This is a safe space.
Living the life you long for not only will benefit you, but also those around you. For example, it is like giving a gift to someone that you are really excited for them to open. When this person finally opens the gift and it is something they were longing for - you feel SO HAPPY seeing them overjoyed! Not only are you happy, but so is the person receiving the gift. When something good happens, it benefits all those around you. Making happiness contagious.
With this said, it does not mean that the the truth is always easy. Sometimes it feels easier to just go along with something in order to avoid conflict or discomfort. But really what does this accomplish for you? Maybe it is the feeling of isolation, introversion, or maybe lack of self confidence. The way I have been looking at truth lately is honor. For example, when you make a promise to someone and you follow through with it, you generally feel accomplished and maybe even glad you did whatever was promised. Then there is the downside, where you break a promise maybe even creating a fabricated excuse as to why you can no longer commit. Both of these form a habit. A habit of honor, or a habit of fabrication from the truth. Either way, look at yourself. If you made yourself a promise and you were true to that promise are you going to keep it? What habits are you holding onto? This makes me think of procrastination. Which is where I am currently... for me this is FEAR. I need to let it go. Be honest and true with myself. Again the truth is not always easy. I need to reflect on the WHY's and escape the stagnation.
SO friends, here I am. Publishing my site. I really hope that this brings some light into your life. How are you feeling? Have you started something that is causing fear to build up? How are you handling it?